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Jewellery Care

Tips & Advice.

Whitby Jet Care and Cleaning

Whitby Jet is one of just a few natural organic gemstones in the world making its properties, lustre and appearance completely unique to any other gemstone. Because of its smooth properties and extraordinary colour, we are often asked for advice on how to look after their Whitby Jet jewellery and how to polish Whitby Jet stone.

Within our Whitby workshop, our talented team of craftsmen and women can work with an incredible range of specialist equipment to help shape, smooth and polish our popular British gemstones.

The shine of your Whitby Jet jewellery is designed to last for years but of course we know that everyday wear can reduce its lustre. So, here’s some advice on how to polish Whitby Jet yourself and how to best take care of your Whitby Jet jewellery.

Polishing Whitby Jet at home
At Robert & Victoria we have helped create a special polishing cloth, purposely designed for Whitby Jet and precious metals like gold and sterling silver. If you own a piece of Whitby Jet jewellery, we highly recommend ordering one that will help restore and refurbish your jewellery to its original state. We also offer a free polishing cloth on all orders over £100.

How to look after Whitby Jet jewellery
As well as polishing, there are several other ways you can ensure the sparkle and wellbeing of Whitby jet jewellery. One example is to ensure you put your jewellery away in a safe place when you are undertaking certain chores or activities like cooking, cleaning, exercising or travelling. It is always a good idea to have some form of jewellery storage handy for this reason.

One of the most common ways that Whitby Jet jewellery becomes tainted and loses its shine is when it is exposed to abrasive chemicals. All forms of jewellery including sterling silver, gold, diamond and gemstone jewellery should always be kept away from products like hairspray, perfume and other cosmetic products to reduce the risk of tainting its brilliance.

Whitby Jet jewellery should also always be removed when you are bathing, showering or swimming. The settings used on gemstone rings are often designed to show off the stone. However, these settings can also be easy to clog up with soaps, creams, moisturisers and water which consequently reduces the intensity of a gemstone’s appearance and can even impact the tension within the setting making it prone to damage.

Professional Jewellery Cleaning Service
No matter how little or often you wear your jewellery, at some point it is going to be necessary to get it cleaned. At Robert & Victoria, we not only offer professional polishing clothes to do it yourself, but we also have a fantastic jewellery cleaning and repairs service where we use specialist jewellery cleaning and polishing equipment to transform your jewellery back to as if it was new.

If you would like to make use of our professional jewellery cleaning service, simply pop into our boutique or use contact us to arrange a safe and secure postal service.


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